Monday 28 May 2012

I Love Love Love art! I know that a lot of people on here probably do and that is probably why you are looking at my blog.
I have been so bored recently and I wanted to create some art for our new flat (me and my partner are moving next month). The only problem was that I didnt have any spare canvases. I had 3 originally. One was used doing G.C.S.E. Art, another for a painting  I did for my partner on Valentines day and another filled with rubbish that I thought looked cute. Here is the one I chose to alter:
The picture actually was mean to be a lilly that I drew and painted for my G.C.S.E. work. However, it looks PANTS!! (Trust me, it looks waaaaaay worse that the picture). So, I look some black acrylic paint and covered the whole canvas. I then got me crayons and hair dryer and got melting! This was my result:
I am rather please with the results. I chose to do a rainbow colour theme so it resembles me. I am creative and very colourful, I am VERY messy (that is why I didnt really try to keep straight lines). Yet, there is also a darker side that still has a little bit of colour. 

ElizabethSarahMay xxx